​Adult Memberships are $75 and include the member, their spouse, and children under 12 years old. 

Junior Memberships are $25.00 and are for ages 12-15.

Memberships can be purchased from any Board Member and also at the following locations:

Wills Sport Shop 
2043 Route 68 
Zelienople, PA 16063 

FC's Bait - Tackle
1106 Allegheny Street
New Brighton, PA  15066
The Zelienople-Harmony Sportsmen's Club is a members only club that is situated at the end of the town of Zelienople, PA and was founded in May of 1945. The club provides the opportunity for its members to fish, camp, and enjoy the rifle range with a variety of shooting benches from 20 to 200 yards. The fishing area is about 26 acres of lake stocked with trout, catfish and perch. It is also the home of many bass, crappie and bluegill.  
This page was last updated: March 6, 2025
Website designed and hosted by Christie Inman

Welcome to the Zelienople-Harmony Sportmen's Club!
President, Bob Francis
Vice President, Dennis States
Treasure, Anthony Schiavone
Secretary, Christie Inman

Rene Rock
Rob Flowers
Thad Tokar
Brendan Schmuck
Greg Lutz
Luke Inman

E-mail: ZHSClub@zoominternet.net
Zelienople-Harmony Sportsmen's Club
P.O. Box 55
Zelienople, PA  16063
Board Members:
1.  Absolutely no swimming, wading or ice skating permitted.
2.  Always put out fires before leaving. No burning cans or bottles.
3.  Profanity, excessive use of alcohol or any use of illegal drugs, are all strictly prohibited.
4.  No littering.  This includes discarded fishing line and unburned trash left in the fire pits. 
     You must take your garbage with you when you leave.
5.  Membership year begins December 1st and ends November 30th.  Memberships may be paid after 
     October 1st of the following year.  Junior memberships are $25 for ages 12 through 15.               
     Senior memberships are $75 for ages 16 and older.
6.  The monthly meeting is held the 1st Thursday of each month at 8:00 PM in the Clubhouse.  
     Election of officers is held at the November meeting.  The meetings are open to all members and
     everyone is encouraged to attend.
7.  This is not a fee fishing lake. You must have a valid PA state fishing license.
8.  The club is for the mutual benefit of all members.  Any help cleaning up or attending work days 
     would be greatly appreciated.
9.  Every member has the right to check membership buttons and to eject trespassers and rule
     breakers.  You may not forcibly remove them.  Tell them to leave and if they refuse, call the police.
10. Willful damage to property, littering or any rule violation is punishable by fine, suspension and/or  
      permanent expulsion from the club upon action of the Executive Board in closed session.
11. The Club is not responsible for property damage or loss, personal injury or loss of life.
12.  Any child under 12 must be accompanied by a senior member.
13.  Membership buttons must be worn at all times for easy identification.
14.  No guests, members only.
15.  No fireworks.
16.  Any rules not followed can result in suspension or termination of membership.

No one is permitted to pick a fishing spot on the lake side of the road, at the small lake, and lily ponds until Noon on the Friday before the 1st day of Trout.  No fishing equipment or firewood may be placed.  No spots can be marked as reserved.  After Noon on Friday you must remain at your spot to claim it.  One spot per person.  These rules apply only to the front lake and lily pads.  This area is also closed from November 1st until the opening day of the state trout season except for ice fishing only during this time.
The big lake is open year round, except the day before the PA trout opener. The day before the PA trout opener, it will close when the stock truck arrives. The front lake and lily pad pond is closed from March 1 until the PA trout opener at 8:00 AM. You may fish the front lake and lily pad pond during these closed times if there is ice for ice fishing. The rifle range is closed Friday and Saturday of the opening weekend.
Club Rules
Trout Opening Day Rules