1. Only 2 fishing devises may be used at a time. This includes fishing rods, tip-ups and hand or trout lines.
2. Each individual fishing is to use their own stringer or basket. No combining of catches from 2 or more
people in same basket or stringer.
3. Once you have taken your limit of any 1 species you must stop fishing for that day. No culling of
dead, injured or bleeding fish. It counts as 1 towards your limit regardless. 

4. No giving away of any fish while you are still fishing.
5. Rods must always be attended while in the water. No keeping an eye on anyone else's if the total in the
water is more than 2 combined.
6. The big lake is open year round, except the day before the PA trout opener. They day before the
PA trout opener, it will close when the stock truck arrives. The front lake and lily pad pond is closed
from March 1 until the PA trout opener at 8:00 AM. You may fish the front lake and lily pad pond
during these closed times if there is ice for ice fishing.
1. All boats must have owners name and telephone number on the boat for club contact.
PA boat registration does not meet this requirement.
2. Electric motors only.
3. Each boat must have an approved personal flotation device (lifejacket) for each person in the boat.
All children under 12 must be accompanied by a Senior member.
4. A person shall wear a Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD or life jacket)
during the cold weather months (November 1st through April 30th) while underway or at anchor
on boats less than 16 feet in length or any canoe or kayak.
5. Children 12 and under on PA waters underway in all canoes, kayaks and paddleboards and boats
20 feet or less must wear a life jacket.
6. All boats must be removed from the Club grounds by November 30 and cannot be left at the lake
until March 1st. Boats may be used from December 1st through February 28 but must be taken
with you. Any boats left at the lake during this period will be disposed of.
7. Boats may be left at designated areas only.
Trout: PA State Opening Day 8:00 AM Until August 31, 4 per day, no size limit.
Trout: September 1 Until Pa State Opening Day, 3 per day, no size limit.
Perch: No Closed Season, 4 per day, 8'' minimum size limit.
Catfish: No Closed Season, 4 per day, no size limit.
Bass: Catch and release only, no exceptions
Any Trout taken out of PA State Season must have a Class B slip filled out.
Seasons / Creel Limits / Size Limits